Dogs are widely recognized as the finest companion for humans, but this touching account demonstrates that dogs also exhibit loyalty to one another.

When a German shepherd named Marley was (presumably) struck by a vehicle in Muscoy, California, her fellow homeless dog, Murphy, adamantly refused to abandon his closest friend. The duo patiently waited for numerous hours as vehicles swiftly passed by, with not a single car halting to offer assistance. Eventually, after several hours had elapsed, a driver finally halted to inquire about the injured animals and promptly contacted Dream Fetchers: Project Rescue.

Photo: Facebook/Faith Easdale

“We received a notification that she was lying on the roadside,” recounted Faith Easdale, one of the rescuers affiliated with the non-profit organization, to The Dodo. “Marley was exhibiting considerable agony, distress, and breathing heavily. We weren’t even certain if she would survive.”

Meanwhile, Murphy persisted in keeping a vigilant watch while Easdale and another rescuer hoisted the wounded canine into the vehicle. Once the larger dog had been safely situated inside, little Murphy nestled beside Marley on the back seat, even resting his head upon her abdomen.

Stray Dog Stays With Severely Injured Pregnant Canine By Roadside

Photo: Facebook/Faith Easdale

“She was quite weighty and challenging to move, but we managed,” recollected Easdale. “Murphy never abandoned her on the street.”

Murphy continued providing solace to Marley as the rescuers hurriedly transported them to the hospital. X-rays confirmed that the German shepherd had indeed sustained multiple fractures. However, additional examinations unveiled an unexpected revelation. Marley was carrying a litter of 11 puppies.

Photo: Facebook/Faith Easdale

Stray Dog Stays With Severely Injured Pregnant Canine By Roadside

Murphy remained steadfast by Marley’s side for the initial few days, only appearing to relax once he realized that the expectant mother was now secure. “He was able to accompany her in the hospital, but she was in such a critical state that he wanted to go and frolic,” recounted Easdale, who would subsequently assist in finding forever homes for both Murphy and Marley.

In the meantime, Marley’s delivery was far from painless, but the injured mother remarkably managed to give birth to 11 healthy puppies, whom she attentively snuggled and nourished despite the presence of casts on her two legs.

Photo: Facebook/Faith Easdale

Stray Dog Stays With Severely Injured Pregnant Canine By Roadside

Two years later, after numerous visits to the veterinarian, Marley has completely recuperated from her injuries, while her puppies have grown into adulthood and settled into their own residences. “Marley is just as affectionate and stunning as the day we welcomed her into our household,” her new family conveyed on Facebook. “She engages in play as if she has never endured a fractured bone.