A mother’s adoration is one of the most formidable forces in existence. It implies undertaking whatever necessary to safeguard your little ones, regardless of the peril or expense.

It was the midst of the night on December 27 when a frightened, desperate cow demonstrated how far she’d go to preserve the life maturing within her. Confined inside a transportation truck headed for a slaughterhouse in Paterson, New Jersey, she leapt out of the second floor and dropped eight feet onto the highway.

Authorities pursued the distressed bovine for the majority of an hour before eventually capturing her. However, by that point, they couldn’t bear to send her to the slaughterhouse. Instead, an on-scene police officer named Brian contacted the Skylands Animal Sanctuary in Wantage and elucidated the situation.

Incredible Bond: Pregnant Cow Takes Drastic Action To Safeguard Unborn Calf From Slaughter

Mike Stura, the proprietor of the nonprofit organization which saves, restores, and ensures a lifelong abode for farm animals, arrived to retrieve her.

She was christened Brianna — after the officer who notified the sanctuary — and experienced freedom for the first time a few hours later.

Incredible Bond: Pregnant Cow Takes Drastic Action To Safeguard Unborn Calf From Slaughter

News of her escape and ensuing rescue rapidly became viral. People all over the country cheered for Brianna as she embarked on her new life in lusher meadows… and they rejoiced once again two days later when she unexpectedly delivered a baby girl named Winter.

Incredible Bond: Pregnant Cow Takes Drastic Action To Safeguard Unborn Calf From Slaughter

As it turns out, Brianna was about nine months pregnant when she leaped out of that truck. Her valor ensured her offspring would have an opportunity at life, and Mike was there every step of the way to make that come to pass. In fact, he’s the one who literally extracted the calf from her mother!

“… I witnessed Winter unveil her eyes for the first time and gaze directly at me. Evidently, one of the most remarkable things I’ve ever been involved in,” Mike said.

Now the mother and daughter are inseparable and savoring the unsophisticated joys of life at the sanctuary. Mike aspires that by sharing their tale, individuals will contemplate embracing a meat- and dairy-free lifestyle so that more bovine mothers and their babies will be spared.

Watch as endearing little Winter takes her initial unsteady strides in the clip below, and don’t overlook to share.