Heartbreaking moment when a mother elephant tries to pull her baby out of a well and stays with her baby for 11 hours.

The adamant mother refused to leave her little one, first using her hose and then her feet to try to pull her precious baby to safety. Unfortunately, the mad mother elephant was even worse when she accidentally pushed more mud down the well and nearly killed the baby elephant that had been trapped since 9pm. at 8 am.

Villagers in a nearby village in Chɑtrɑ district in India came to the aid of the baby elephant by shoveling dirt from the well. Fortunately, the baby elephant was finally freed when locals living near the Chɑtrɑ district, India, where the incident took place, rushed to the scene after hearing a distressed cry.

The kind villagers stopped the mother and took advantage of this time to clear some land, preventing her from catching the baby. Jitendrɑ Tiwɑri, who recorded the video and saved ɑides, said:

“We cut a couple of trucks and put them near the well so the elephant could move around for a while.”

The little elephant was covered in mud for 11 hours in drɑmɑ. His mother refused to leave him as she frantically tried to pull it out, while the villagers gathered in the back to watch.

“The project was a success and we took the time to remove the sand that was near the well, making it difficult for her to save the baby.”

The mother then wrapped her body tightly around the baby’s slippery, muddy body and pulled the baby out. The duo were then seen hugging and happily walking side by side as they continued their journey.

A mother and daughter walk past after the calf was pulled to safety. Happy couple reunited after 11 hours of baby elephant challenge