Animals have more feelings of gratitude than you think.

It was great. What a kind man and so happy the baby is reunited with his mother. Such a big, adorable baby deer was overjoyed to be rescued.

Baby deer thinks the man who saved his life is his father!


Darius Sasnauskas, an outdoor enthusiast from Lithuania, saw two baby deer born in his backyard, not far from Yellowstone National Park, USA. Unfortunately, one of them was [hu.rt], and her family abandoned her because she couldn’t follow them. Apparently she had no chance of survival, so he decided to take her home.


The newborn deer has recovered its health, so it’s time to release it. However, she keeps coming back to Darius because their relationship is so strong.

The deer is well cared for and has recovered: Every four hours, Darius would feed it and his dog would lick the fawn’s face continuously. Darius said he is not in favor of keeping wild animals as pets.

But that is a special situation. With so many predators around, she has no chance of surviving alone. She is used to me and she follows me… but no one can replace her biological mother.

Many times Darius tries to release her back into the wild, but she always comes back to him. After a while, the mother deer returned, the baby deer were reunited with their family and returned to the wild. A few months later, Darius met the deer again, this time growing up fast and living his life to the fullest.

Thank you so much for saving this baby deer and fixing his nails, feeding him and loving him until he is strong enough to be with his mother.
He is a little angel! God bless you for saving her!

Animals can teach humans a thing or two about human kindness and long-term cooperation…!

Watch the touching story of love and love in the video below: