A pigeon has been rescued after he was utilized for amusement and discarded onto the streets when no longer required.

A Kind Samaritan, who just happened to be a bird enthusiast, spotted the pink-colored pigeon wandering around Manhattan’s Madison Square Park.

They brought the ruler pigeon, a domestic breed, to the Wild Bird Fund, a nonprofit wildlife restoration and education center.

A Pigeon's Resilience: Saved From Pink Dye Mishap And Street Ordeal

Staff named the pigeon Flamingo, and said he was in poor condition, displaying signs of long-term undernourishment.

They suspect someone had bought him from a poultry market and dyed him pink to utilize him at a gender reveal party, a wedding, or some sort of event for human entertainment.

“Public Service Announcement: Please never release domestic birds to the wild. Not for weddings, funerals, celebrations, art projects, anything. (We’d hope that “don’t dye them” goes without saying, but…) They will starve or be preyed upon. If you see an all-white pigeon in the wild, or any tame bird standing around looking lost, it needs your assistance. Please capture the bird and bring it to a pigeon rescue or animal sanctuary near you,” Wild Bird Fund expressed on Facebook.

A Pigeon's Resilience: Saved From Pink Dye Mishap And Street Ordeal

Flamingo is feeble and struggling to keep food down, but they have him on heat, oxygen, and subcutaneous fluids. They also have him on medication to counteract the effects of the toxin on his digestive system.

Although he is feeble, staff refuses to give up on him and will continue to do everything they can to nurse him back to health.

A Pigeon's Resilience: Saved From Pink Dye Mishap And Street Ordeal