Tarzan, a mixed breed Pit Bull, resided near the highway adjacent to a thick woodland area. The people living there would undoubtedly observe him and provide him with food. Shortly after, they became aware that Tarzan had been absent for a number of weeks. They became aware that he was trapped far within the dense shrubs, and contacted “Hope For Paws” to seek assistance.
Rescuers JoAnn and Lisa successfully navigated the thorny bushes to find Tarzan. However, upon discovering him, they observed that the unfortunate infant was considerably weakened. They gently caressed the ailing dog and made a promise to rescue him from that place. However, upon requesting him to accompany them, they discovered that his limbs were devoid of any remaining energy to enable him to walk.

Despite experiencing a setback, the women remained determined and refused to give up on Tarzan. They pooled their collective strength to lift him, and then maneuvered through the challenging landscape as they returned to the rescue vehicle. Tarzan expressed his gratitude to his rescuers by embracing them warmly and happily wagging his tail without end.

For the next few weeks, Tarzan dedicated himself to recovering his health at the sanctuary. After undergoing rehabilitation in a foster home, this large male easily won over his new owners! Tarzan has made remarkable progress, from ‘nearly’ ‘.d.y.i.n.g.’ to playing happily with his new canine sibling. To see how the two women rescued Tarzan, please click on the video link below.