During low tide at a Costa Rican beach, a baby pilot whale found itself trapped in the mouth of a river. However, a team of surfers came to its rescue and offered assistance.

Mauricio Camareno, a member of the surfing group, observed a “dark mass” and heard sounds of someone in need of help.

Upon investigation, it was discovered that the infant creature was located approximately 200 feet upstream and experiencing difficulties in respiration.

Camareno informed Amelia Rueda that she was extremely feeble and could not stay buoyant. The individuals leaped into the water in order to support the baby and prevent her from drowning.

Despite reaching out to both the Coast Guard and environmental ministry to inform them about the beached whale, neither of them took any action or showed up at the location.

After supporting her for over six hours, the collective of surfers observed that she had recovered her stamina.

When the tide was high, the surfers took her to the sea where the waters were deeper. After multiple tries, she managed to swim away, with hopes of being rejoined with her pod.

The men’s successful rescue has gained them recognition and praise on various social media platforms. One individual expressed, “How incredibly intelligent you all are!”

I sincerely appreciate your efforts in rescuing this remarkable being, whose level of intellect may be on par with ours, if not surpassing it.”