When her eyes spoke to my soul. You could feel all their fear, pain, and heartache in those eyes. Those eyes caught my attention, fortunately.
Mia, being a dog, will keep getting overlooked repeatedly for a specific reason. First, let’s sit with her and see if she’ll let us offer comfort.
As I approached, I saw something heart-wrenching. Mia would flatten herself to the ground whenever someone walked in.6 Biologically Appropriate Dog Foods for Australian Shepherds

Unfortunately, black dogs like Mia are often overlooked in shelters. Their dark fur makes it difficult for potential adopters to see their features, especially when hiding in the back of their kennels. However, Mia was unique.
She had cute light brown marks and adorable eyebrows that made her stand out. Mia was found by a good Samaritan near a freeway, as I learned from shelter staff.

On the run for 2-3 weeks, evading capture. Given she’s an Australian shepherd, known for intelligence, it’s not surprising.
Mia was not an exception. Within moments, she was flaunting her tricks, shaking hands, and even offering both paws.
But it wasn’t all fun and games. Mia’s intelligence and traumatic past made her fearful. With patience and understanding, she started to open up.
She allowed me to pet her, a precious sign of trust. Over the years, I’ve worked with numerous dogs and repeatedly been asked if I’ve ever been bitten.

I have. Understanding dog body language is key to knowing when to approach or give them space. Mia was the same. Despite my experience, she taught me the value of continuous learning.
Our interaction was going well until Mia got startled by a commotion outside, causing her to retreat into her kennel. It saddened me, but I couldn’t give up on her.